Saturday, September 27, 2008
26th Aug 08
Time: 0942 Finland
Weather: 3°C !!
Thinking: WAHAHA! Is my snow coming?
Oh hello! Swee Ting is blogging today. Because it’s 3°C! It’s so super cool. WAHAHAHA.
This morning, Kux woke up before me. SURPRISE SURPRISE~
I decided to remain in bed because it was so warm and comforty to stay under the blanket all mornings. But hurh! My sleeping mode was off. There isn’t any lesson today because OUR classes were cancelled. MARVELLOUS. But in the end we woke up at 8.00 AM. Zzz. But it’s ok .. I got my 8 hours of sleep anyway.
We’re doing banana pancakes now –AGAIN because we were too bored. We’ll be covering the other part of Imatra after lunch, and then to Adoela’s house at 7pm. What to put in lunch box this time?
Piece of good news: Shi yun found a trip that costs around €190 to Milan, Barcelona and Paris (including all transportation and accommodation expenses). And most importantly, the minimum age is 16. HooHoo. Swee Ting is 17!
So, on the first day of our holiday, 13th Aug, we’ll leave for Sweden by cruise at night. The next morning, we will fly to Frankfurt (Germany) and then finally to Milan. There, we will start our touring. OH yes! Haha.
This entire trip will take 7 days.
Our exams start on the week after the tour.
So we have to mug now.
Ooo. Kux is studying now – Visions of the Future and Global Travelling. See, I have the power to manipulate people. Mug hard .. I will sing for you. But open the windows first.
Hmm… Kelvin says the blog is boring. And I think so too. But Bao said it was getting more and more exciting.
P.S. We will will will abide by Espall’s #1 rule- FOR SURE! =)
We promise to abide by Espall's #1 rule
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
23 September 2008
Time: 1547 Finland
Weather: 8°C, but it’s bearable
Thinking: Should I buy the top? It’s €19.90.
Yesterday Swee Ting and I went to collect my survival package which my mom sent quite sometime ago. The package really live up to its name. It's like the show Survivor and the package is the prize. The journey to the post office was a killer. We didn’t know where we were supposed to collect the package from so we asked the Taiwan girls as they have already collected theirs. Tze Yi collected hers from the city centre while Ya Chen had to go all the way to the custom as according to her, her package contained mainly food. So I was thinking mine contains food too so I should go to the custom. The custom was situated near the border of Imatra so we had to borrow Taiwanese’s bicycles. We cycled and cycled and cycled but no matter how much we cycled we could not find the post office. There were so many uphill slopes. We really tested our muscles. We almost cycled off the map of Imatra when we decided to ask someone to help us (the only thing present around us was wheat fields so we couldn’t do anything even if we wanted to). To our horror, the person told us that I had to collect the package from the post office which is at CITY CENTRE!!!! I was like WHAT!!!! WE CAME FROM THERE!!!! 1 ½ hrs of cycling for nothing. Ok…it wasn’t all for nothing. We saw beautiful scenery and even horses. We also bought some cheap groceries on our way back to city centre. But there were tonnes of these weird flies that kept sticking to our clothes and whenever you want to brush them off, you will accidentally squash them and they will leave a trail of weird colours. SICK.
We have no class today so Swee Ting and I went to Imatrankoski to make our ATM/ VISA card. The card looks really nice but too bad we have to return it when we close our accounts. After that we went SHOPPING. Ok…not exactly shopping. More looking then buying as usual. But H&M is having sales on their beauty range products so I bought a tub of body butter for €2.90 which I think is really cheap. I hope there will still be sales before I go back to Singapore. The packaging is so pretty. I think I’ll purchase the whole cosmetics section. Oh yah…and this sort of top/ dress. Very nice. I so want to buy it but its €19.90 which I think is a little expensive. And very impractical if I wear it in Singapore. Dilemma. More discounts please.
We promise to abide by Espall's #1 rule
Sunday, September 21, 2008
21 September 2008
Time: 1300 Finland
Weather: warm
Thinking: Daylight is getting shorter; it’s getting dark around 5+
Yesterday Swee Ting and Ya Chen made noodles, from scratch. I helped at bit in kneading the dough but I gave up after that and let them continue with the rest. It was the most unbelievable day. It was so boring we actually studied. We worked on our HRM essay. I even did laundry to pass the time. It feels horrible without the internet. Nothing to do at all.
Writing reports here are a breeze. We need to follow their thesis format which is 4 cm margin from the left, 2 cm from the right. Font size 12 Arial except for headers14. 1.5 spacing. Must enter before and after headers. Their 10 page requirements can’t hold a candle to NYP’s 4 page reports. In NYP’s report, you see nothing but words .. here, you see nothing but space.
For the next period we will only be taking 2 subjects. Maybe 3 – Drinks and Cocktails! So we will be even more free. We plan to chiong internet everyday. Plant our butts in the computer lab and watch movies from sunrise till sunrise.
Last night we were supposed to go the Ania’s hose to watch movie. Swee Ting was too LAZY to go so I went with Tze Yi (Because I’m in bed already). I was planning to undertake the mission of getting my “boyfriend” back but we turned around halfway as we realized that we have seen the movie before. Seems like Tze Yi “aim” a lot of people. She even likes this guy who Swee Ting used to think was cute.
P.S. We see 8 books right in front of us everyday we wake up.
1. Cross Cultural Management in Work Organizations- Ray French
2. International Management- David C. Thomas
3. Human Resource Management in Hospitality Industry- M.J. Boella
4. Human Resource Management in the Hospitality Industry- Frank M. Go & Mary L. Monachello & Tom Baum
5. The Democratic Enterprise- Lynda Gratton
6. An Introduction to Human Resource Management- Wendy Bloisi
7. International Management, Managing Across orders and Cultures- Helen Deresky
8. Behavioural Studies in Hospitality Management- Rita Carmouche & Nancy Kelly
Stupid HRM.
P.S.S. Chicken, milk, ham, bread and sausage (today!) expires in 2 days.
We promise to abide by Espall's #1 rule
19 September 2008
Time: 2307 Finland
Weather: chilly
Feeling: hardworking…I’m working on my HRM essay
We finally decided to go to the Imatra/ Lappeenranta tour today morning so we skipped the 2nd half of Destination Management, rushed through lunch and boarded the bus.
We had already visited most of the Imatra area so it was a little boring. But we learnt that the statue, Maid of Imatra, was built to commemorate the people who had fallen into the dam or decided to commit suicide by jumping. We also drove past the world’s second largest paper mill. After the mill, we went to the Church of Three Crosses. The church was really beautiful especially the organ in it.
After Imatra, we went to Lapeenranta. Pretty boring as we have been to the areas except for the supermarket Lidl where we found lots of cheap stuff. And we drove by Saimaa Canal. Very beautiful. And the houses nearby were WOW!
From this trip I found out that Tze Yi has a crush on my cute guy. Hmmm. How?
Swee Ting shivered for the first time today.
I finally bought rice! Whee! So I cooked fried rice for dinner. Forgot to take picture, too bad. I also bought 7 cups of yoghurt. At know it’s crazy but at €0.29 each, I couldn’t resist.
We promise to abide by Espall's #1 rule
18 September 2008
Time: 2145 Finland
Weather: bearable
Feeling: bored
Was feeling very hungry when I came back from school. The moment I enter the hostel, I dumped my bag and headed for the fridge. I ate what ever I could lay my hands on. Russians were kind enough to give me some fish. And I burnt my waffles because the temperature was too high and I left it in the oven for too long.
After that I slouched in Taiwan’s room and even offered to help with their homework. Yes, we were that bored that we want to do someone’s homework. Ya Chen then had to go to the €1 shop to get some containers. But too late. By the time we got to the shop, it was already closed and the worst thing was it closed 5 mins ago. Argh. Finnish people are so lazy!!!! So we decided to walk around and we entered Sipari (clothing shop). The moment we stepped out of the shop, the shopkeeper started bringing in the clothes that were out for display. Like what!!! Then we went to the supermarket nearby. This was even worse. While we were still in the supermarket, they stared switching off the lights!
When we got back, it was time for dinner. I didn’t know what to cook as I have been eating the same thing ever since I got here. So I jokingly asked Tze Yi to cook for me. And she agreed! Wah! She was baking some muffins at that time so I gladly took over the beating of the eggs while she prepared my dinner. My dinner turned out to be stir fried macaroni with carrots, vegetables and sausage. Pretty much the same as what I eat everyday but it was tasty.
After dinner we helped with Tze Yi’s muffins. She was making apple muffins.
1. “fry” the apples and add cinnamon.
2. make batter
3. put some batter into the whatever container
4. put some apples in the middle
5. pour the rest of the batter
6. bake
I tell you, the muffins were mmmm. She also made garlic spread which I thought was better then the ones outside as the garlic taste wasn’t as overpowering. Oh…I think I forgot the say that Tze Yi is studying restaurant management in Taiwan and had worked in the kitchen before so she knows all these culinary stuff.
Too much fun at one shot so it got boring soon. Swee Ting and I watched Ice Age 2 and now Swee Ting has found a way to entertain herself by tying my hair.
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18 September 2008
Time: lunch time, 1150 (They always eat lunch at 1130)
Weather: bearable
Feeling: bored
Yesterday night I decided to celebrate my very first alcohol purchase in 18 years. I planned to just drink it with the Taiwan girls but the Russians saw us so I had to invite them too. Russians have a funny way of drinking vodka. First they will drink pure vodka then down it with juice. In Russia, they will eat cucumber at the same time. Weird. Taiwanese were the first to go. Mainly because they have to wake up at early for class and their faces were all red. After awhile, Russians took out a bottle of alcohol. I don’t know if it’s vodka but it was 38% which was the same as my vodka. By the time we were done, we were like Whee! Swee Ting’s face was all red and she didn’t even finish the 2nd liquor. Drinking is a very good way of bringing people together. We were talking and laughing, having lots of fun. I slept very well after that, the best sleep ever since I got here.
We promise to abide by Espall's #1 rule
17 September 2008
Time: 2030 Finland
Weather: not bad, don’t feel cold
Thinking: damn, exams are coming
Returned to hostel at 1+ am this morning. Took a shower and immediately K.O. Was supposed to go for class this morning at 8.55 am but I couldn’t wake up. I didn’t even hear Swee Ting wake. So I went to school at 12 but I just felt so tired.
We promise to abide by Espall's #1 rule
16 September 2008
Thinking: The food here is so expensive, now we know how the locals eat
Left the ship at 7+. The town was like a dead place. Not a living soul was in sight except us. Life only started only around 9+.
Ok, I’m not going to relate my entire story of Tallinn so I’m just going to post pictures and tell you what we did there. If there was anything interesting that is not in the pictures, then I’ll tell you.

16 September 2008
The trip to Helsinki took almost 3 hours. We stopped at a supermarket/ restaurant for a break where the price of the food can give your heart a good workout. Set meals cost a minimum of €10. Faint.
The cruise is really small. There was pretty much nothing to do unlike Star Cruise. Must pay for all F&B. But what can I say? The entire transport only costs €34. Can’t believe I spent €8.16 for mash potato, fish, meat wrapped in vegetable and meatballs. Must starve fot the rest of the week. Lol. It was surprisingly yummy though. Actually it had better be or I think I would have gone into fits.
After dinner, I walked around the ship and took some random shots. Then I entered this pub called Viking Inn Pub because I heard someone singing. Turned out to be karaoke. Many people went up to sing but they all sang in Finnish (I think) except for one guy who sang “Can’t help falling in love with you”. It was the best out of all of them.
The tax free shop is selling Toblerone at 2 for €7.80. They are about the size of one arm. I’m planning to buy this 5 for €4 chocolates.
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Time: 1115 Finland
Weather: Windy
Feeling: The urgency to pee (the train toilets are HORRIBLE)
Yesterday when the Lithuania girls were having their dinner, they invited me to try some of their food as I kept saying that it smelt really good. It was really delicious especially the carrots. It was carrots and onions fried with butter. Later when I was having my dinner (pathetic bread), they gave me a surprise. They gave me a portion of what they were eating. Ok, I shouldn’t say portion but everything they were eating. So it was a whole chicken thigh, carrots and rice. It was so unexpected. I mean I have only met them for 2 days. They even gave me some peppermint tea which they planted from their garden in Lithuania. After dinner, Egle even washed the plate for me. I felt kinda bad when I was eating because they were beside me eating too- eating plain rice. I wanted to give them some chicken but they refused and told me that it was for me. Halfway they decided to put jam in their rice. Know it sounds weird but it was good.
After dinner Mei Qi, Shi Yun and I went to Kunle’s place. He had cooked some African food for us- potato porridge. It was tasty but it was too spicy for me. I had to leave soon after that as I had a train to catch back to Imatra. When I was about to leave, Egle and Sandra gave me another surprise. They wanted to accompany me to the station. I cannot thank them enough. They are such nice people.
Bloody tickets to Imatra was so expensive. €7.10. Faints.
I would like to thank Mei Qi and Shi Yun for accommodating me during the weekend. And Swee Ting and Ya Chen for picking me from the train station in the middle of the night.
Left hostel at 10.25 am today. When I reached Imatra station, it was only 10.45 so I had to wait until 11.09, but I was happy. Train tickets only costs €3.60 (students’ price) and the counter lady didn’t even ask for my student card. And I’m going to Tallinn today! It’s the capital of Estonia so it should be fun.
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Wednesday, September 17, 2008
12 September 2008
Time: 1445 Finland
Weather: cold…what else
Feeling: busy…cos there is internet here
Went to the fish market again this morning/afternoon. It was more crowded than yesterday. We ate this fish thing with wedges which was the most ULTIMATE thing ever. Unbelievably delicious.
We also bought this really long sweets. We bargained with the store holder and she was kind enough to knock off €1 for the sweets. So in the end we paid €4 for 7 sweets.
We went to the open market after that but it was a disappointment. There were very few stores and they were already packing up.
Will be going over to Adeola’s place (or is it Kunle) tonight for dinner. Curry chicken. I just hope I will remember that I have train to catch at 10.30.
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Sunday, September 14, 2008
Time: 1445 Finland
Weather: cold…what else
Feeling: busy…cos there is internet here
Went to the fish market again this morning/afternoon. It was more crowded than yesterday. We ate this fish thing with wedges which was the most ULTIMATE thing ever. Unbelievably delicious.
We also bought this really long sweets. We bargained with the store holder and she was kind enough to knock off €1 for the sweets. So in the end we paid €4 for 7 sweets.

Swee Ting, you really left too missed a lot. The party, the fish, the sweets...
We went to the open market after that but it was a disappointment. There were very few stores and they were already packing up.
Will be going over to Adola’s place (or is it Kunlay?) tonight for dinner. Curry chicken. I just hope I will remember that I have train to catch at 10.30.
12 September 2008
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Saturday, September 13, 2008
Time: 0151 Finland
Weather: super cold…it’s colder here than Imatra
Feeling: Happy
I’m finally in Lappeenranta. On Friday, Swee Ting and I hitched a ride from our classmate, Marita, together with David. When we reached the Lappeenranta hostel, we first went to David’s room so that he can dump his things then bring us to Shi Yun and Mei Qi’s unit. But when we went we went over to their unit, they were still in school so we had to go back to David’s unit. It was a good thing though. He gave us free beer. Haha. A few minutes later, a couple of French guys came in. Thomas and Edu (?), France, PARIS!!!! Edu is half Greek. They are very nice people (so far) and very “interesting”.
I think I either drank the beer too fast or I didn’t eat much before eating because I was feeling woozy when I was done with the beer. We went over to Mei Qi and Shi Yun’s unit after that and settled in nicely. We met their Luthiana (?) flatmates, Sandra and Aglia (?).
There was a football game that night so we all went to the field. For some reason David, Danius and Edu had to dress as girls. I thought the image was very disturbing. It was very cold that night. We had to leave halfway through because we couldn’t take it anymore.
We spent the whole night updating one another of our current situation. Shi Yun turned out to be a good cook since she does all the cooking for Mei Qi. She was making a cake (very nice) when we entered the unit and after that she made banana pancakes (failure...haha).
The next day we went to the habour where there was this fair (fish market fair?)going on. I managed to get some souvenirs at a bargained price. We also found many interesting things there and had a lot of fun.

After that we went to this second hand shop where I bought boots for €3. We also visited a few shopping centres after that before deciding to head back to the hostel as we were visiting the sauna at 6.30 later. Mei Qi and I then accompanied Swee Ting to the train station as she was heading back to Imatra. On the back from the station, Mei Qi and I met a drunk. We were so scared we just ran away from the guy when he was asking us a question. At first I was stunned and didn’t know what to do as the guy was speaking in Finnish. Luckily Mei Qi pulled me away and we just ran until we were far enough.
At 6.30, Aglia and the 3 Singaporeans headed for the sauna. We were having a duper duper time when suddenly we heard this male voice outside the sauna. According to him, he booked the sauna. However, Mei Qi insisted that she booked it. The man asked if he could join us and we agreed. When he stepped into the sauna, we received the largest shock of our lives. The idiot was NAKED. We were all like SHIT!!! I think the guy felt awkward as he started asking some questions about our school. After some time he left but not before telling us that we are welcomed to visit his place to hang out. Faints. Today’s sauna was really hot. WHEW!! Very different from the one in Imatra.
After sauna, we went over to some China guy’s house to take some food as he cooked some food for us. And it was DELICIOUS!!! Finally, Chinese food. YUMMY!!! We were supposed to go to Adola’s (?) unit for dinner but he postponed it to tomorrow which sucks as I will be going back already. Hmm…maybe I can stay until dinner then go back. At around 9+, we went to the French guys’ house as there was a party. Woot!! The social life here is the exact opposite from the one in Imatra. Ok…maybe it’s the Finnish people’s fault. At the party, there were only maximum 3 Finnish people and the rest were international students. Everyone was talking at the same time that most of the time we were just screaming at each other. We also played this drinking game called “I have never ever ever”. First everyone raise all their fingers. You are suppose to state something that you have never done before and if someone has done it before, they out down 1 finger and drink some alcohol. From this game, I realised that all these people are sexually active especially Edu. He will drink for almost all the statements regarding sex. It was very funny and the stories they told about their experience were absolutely unbelievable. Funniest was “I have never ever ever been paid for sex.” And Edu drank to that!!! His story was that some woman mistook him for a gigolo and invited him to her house. LOL!!!
The game got boring after awhile and everyone did an immediate dispersion. We entered Edu’s room and started playing with his laptop. Damn. The French have their own keyboards. Very different from the American version. I was like where is this alphabet and I kept pressing the wrong keys. Oh yah…I just made a facebook account so add me. Made it during the party as Thomas was like “WHAT?! YOU DON’T HAVE FACEBOOK?! SHI YUN, MAKE SURE SHE GETS AN ACCOUNT.” So I did it there and then so it’s still fresh. Shi Yun had a fight with Dainus (?) using Edu’s clothes. They were throwing Edu’s stray clothes at each other and I think Edu’s underwear landed on Shi Yun’s head like a million times. Black shirt guy is Thomas