ok...someone asked for a tag board but we do not know how to do that so can someone help...thanks
We just ended class and we are suppose to go tom City Centre after lunch but IT'S RAINING!!! ARGH. Someone in class predicted that it might start snowing earlier and rain throughout Christmas...Damn.
We promise to abide by Espall's #1 rule
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Location: Hostel, Imatra
Time: 0937 Finland
Weather: raining, 12 ˚C
Feeling: normal
Swee Ting is finally showering. Whew. Can finally breathe. In…, out…, in…, out.... We just went to collect our laundry. Lucky no one stole our underwear. Haha J I drank hot chocolate this morning. Wah…I was floating. Cos the weather is so cold when you drink something hot you will be like *heaven*.
I discovered Swee Ting is blind to anything above her head. She was trying to find the tomatoes which were like just above her head but she just can’t seem to see them. I was like “Above your head. Above the milk. Ok ok, look to your right. Look up.” I think she still hasn’t found them. LOL.
To all of you who are still envious that we are here and you are not, let me tell you something that might make you feel a lot better. Our exams dates have been set. Yeah and it is 2 months from now. AND we have assignments…we have a 1-2 pg(s) report for International Business and a 3-4 pgs report for B2B marketing. Bwah!! AND even worse is that we still do not have internet connection. Grr…Our lives here aren’t as whee! as you think it is. Hmm…maybe it is. We are going to City Centre this afternoon. It is something like a shopping district. I think. Haven’t been there. I know there is a waterfall. WHEE!! Haha! I’ll try to get the Taiwan girls to come with us, will be more fun and they have been there like a million and one times.
(Something random) Oh yah…I bought tea yesterday but forgot about sugar. *Faint* And I have 3 mini ulcers on my tongue.
The cute Turkish guy and his friend came over yesterday but they stay for like what? 10 mins? They were invited by our Russian flat mates so I thought it would be weird if I just jumped into their conversation. But I managed to say hi which was a start since I didn’t say anything to him when we first met. *Pumps fists into the air and screams “YES!”* WOOT!
We promise to abide by Espall's #1 rule
Time: 0937 Finland
Weather: raining, 12 ˚C
Feeling: normal
Swee Ting is finally showering. Whew. Can finally breathe. In…, out…, in…, out.... We just went to collect our laundry. Lucky no one stole our underwear. Haha J I drank hot chocolate this morning. Wah…I was floating. Cos the weather is so cold when you drink something hot you will be like *heaven*.
I discovered Swee Ting is blind to anything above her head. She was trying to find the tomatoes which were like just above her head but she just can’t seem to see them. I was like “Above your head. Above the milk. Ok ok, look to your right. Look up.” I think she still hasn’t found them. LOL.
To all of you who are still envious that we are here and you are not, let me tell you something that might make you feel a lot better. Our exams dates have been set. Yeah and it is 2 months from now. AND we have assignments…we have a 1-2 pg(s) report for International Business and a 3-4 pgs report for B2B marketing. Bwah!! AND even worse is that we still do not have internet connection. Grr…Our lives here aren’t as whee! as you think it is. Hmm…maybe it is. We are going to City Centre this afternoon. It is something like a shopping district. I think. Haven’t been there. I know there is a waterfall. WHEE!! Haha! I’ll try to get the Taiwan girls to come with us, will be more fun and they have been there like a million and one times.
(Something random) Oh yah…I bought tea yesterday but forgot about sugar. *Faint* And I have 3 mini ulcers on my tongue.
The cute Turkish guy and his friend came over yesterday but they stay for like what? 10 mins? They were invited by our Russian flat mates so I thought it would be weird if I just jumped into their conversation. But I managed to say hi which was a start since I didn’t say anything to him when we first met. *Pumps fists into the air and screams “YES!”* WOOT!
We promise to abide by Espall's #1 rule
Location: Hostel, Imatra
Time: 2129 Finland
Weather: 12 ˚C
Feeling: Teeth chattering, fingers pink
Just went grocery shopping Again. This is the third time we went there. Food finish fast. It’s Really Really Bad to be hungry monsters.
So based on my theory, I have came up with a very true formula which applies to us both: Food finish fast = money fly away faster.
So far, we have spent on nothing else but FOOD. And we haven’t been exercising for so super long. I missed my TENNIS.
We bought 5 packets of macaroni for just 1 euro! Eat eat eat! Hope this can last us for a longer period of time.
We figured out how to use the washing machine. Trial and error. Phew. Our clothes turn out fine but I think we didn’t put enough detergent. Zzz.
Kux is counting money spent on groceries.
So I shall take this time to reminisce a bit. But I say first: I am not emo :)
To Darlings:
Chyi: We missed you. We missed your bird action, worm action, monkey action, buta power actions … and our code: “Is this Destiny?” Are you worming in singapore everyday? LOL
PTS: I missed calling you Shu Rrrrrrrrrr-ong. Have you found another PTS or am I still #7 or 8 in your heart? At least have the heart to place me top 10 can? HAHA
Chia yao: How can I ever forget the person who call me no other names other than Da Chang Jin ?!?!
Jasmine: Are you floating in oil with your Jason? Haha! Zha si ni! Chia si ni!
Kelv: Keep your word about tennis-ing with me everyday.
Aishah: I cant promise but will try to serve in the right court. So please don’t do the stupid action with Kelv to make me lose my concentration. I wont laugh this time.
Hui Qing: Yo-ness to bao qing tian. OH hui qing!
Jessie: We missed your laughter and irritatingness
Josephine: 여기가 아주추워요! 그래고 보고싶어!
Nurul: Nulu .. do you miss me? Oh nulu nulu!
Espall: We will never forget your #1 rule (there’ll be Turkish guys coming over to our hostel later) …
Aloy: We wear your bracelet everyday
Gene: I want to see snow. And I guess I am really the only one in the world who can read your handwriting. Seriously.
Long Long: I read your frogs. Please accumulate many marks for me instead of minus-ing 5 while I’m away. I really didn’t act cute. Like I said, swee ting is naturally cute so she doesn’t have to act. Plus 10 marks! -> Minus 50 marks
Jermaine: Hmm .. no more mugging together
Xiang ting, yen Ju, Lyn: continue to jog on the track everyday. One day swee ting will see you from the court. And yes, lyn, I know Jay Chou is yours. We’ve never ever said he’s ours. So don’t worry. Nobody will snatch from you. We have plenty of better ones here. HA
The rest: enjoy your holiday and F1 job if you have. And we wish you good luck for your upcoming subject – the new FMA
Kux finished counting money. OH NO. Means I have to pay .. zzz
From dad:
Swee Ting,How's school?
Are they friendly? Don't stay out late.
Sleep early. Take care. Daddy & Mummy loves you.Bye
We tried the berries on the tree outside our hostel today. Tasted sour and bitter. Then tried the ones that are along the way to school. No taste one. So disappointing. To make up for that I stole a grape from the supermarket. It was alright, not very sweet.
27th Aug 08
We promise to abide by Espall's #1 rule
Time: 2129 Finland
Weather: 12 ˚C
Feeling: Teeth chattering, fingers pink
Just went grocery shopping Again. This is the third time we went there. Food finish fast. It’s Really Really Bad to be hungry monsters.
So based on my theory, I have came up with a very true formula which applies to us both: Food finish fast = money fly away faster.
So far, we have spent on nothing else but FOOD. And we haven’t been exercising for so super long. I missed my TENNIS.
We bought 5 packets of macaroni for just 1 euro! Eat eat eat! Hope this can last us for a longer period of time.
We figured out how to use the washing machine. Trial and error. Phew. Our clothes turn out fine but I think we didn’t put enough detergent. Zzz.
Kux is counting money spent on groceries.
So I shall take this time to reminisce a bit. But I say first: I am not emo :)
To Darlings:
Chyi: We missed you. We missed your bird action, worm action, monkey action, buta power actions … and our code: “Is this Destiny?” Are you worming in singapore everyday? LOL
PTS: I missed calling you Shu Rrrrrrrrrr-ong. Have you found another PTS or am I still #7 or 8 in your heart? At least have the heart to place me top 10 can? HAHA
Chia yao: How can I ever forget the person who call me no other names other than Da Chang Jin ?!?!
Jasmine: Are you floating in oil with your Jason? Haha! Zha si ni! Chia si ni!
Kelv: Keep your word about tennis-ing with me everyday.
Aishah: I cant promise but will try to serve in the right court. So please don’t do the stupid action with Kelv to make me lose my concentration. I wont laugh this time.
Hui Qing: Yo-ness to bao qing tian. OH hui qing!
Jessie: We missed your laughter and irritatingness
Josephine: 여기가 아주추워요! 그래고 보고싶어!
Nurul: Nulu .. do you miss me? Oh nulu nulu!
Espall: We will never forget your #1 rule (there’ll be Turkish guys coming over to our hostel later) …
Aloy: We wear your bracelet everyday
Gene: I want to see snow. And I guess I am really the only one in the world who can read your handwriting. Seriously.
Long Long: I read your frogs. Please accumulate many marks for me instead of minus-ing 5 while I’m away. I really didn’t act cute. Like I said, swee ting is naturally cute so she doesn’t have to act. Plus 10 marks! -> Minus 50 marks
Jermaine: Hmm .. no more mugging together
Xiang ting, yen Ju, Lyn: continue to jog on the track everyday. One day swee ting will see you from the court. And yes, lyn, I know Jay Chou is yours. We’ve never ever said he’s ours. So don’t worry. Nobody will snatch from you. We have plenty of better ones here. HA
The rest: enjoy your holiday and F1 job if you have. And we wish you good luck for your upcoming subject – the new FMA
Kux finished counting money. OH NO. Means I have to pay .. zzz
From dad:
Swee Ting,How's school?
Are they friendly? Don't stay out late.
Sleep early. Take care. Daddy & Mummy loves you.Bye
We tried the berries on the tree outside our hostel today. Tasted sour and bitter. Then tried the ones that are along the way to school. No taste one. So disappointing. To make up for that I stole a grape from the supermarket. It was alright, not very sweet.
27th Aug 08
We promise to abide by Espall's #1 rule
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Location: Hostel, Imatra
Time: 2217 Finland
Weather: 12 ˚C
Feeling: urgency to pee
We just had a really long talk with our Taiwanese flat mates whom kux referred them as culprits. But surprisingly when I opened the door just now, I saw Tze Yi sweeping the floor. Anyway, the talk had bonded us closer – I hope.
I want to embarrass kux here:
When conversing with them, we used CHIINESE which I think kux really sucked at. They asked about the price of the “squeeze-5-people” hotel we stayed in Helsinki which costs a total of €83 and she said €38 instead. LOL. And when they asked the date of our return flight, it was 一月十二号(12th Jan 09) but she said十二月一号 (1st Dec 08) ->kux: but I have a so much better vocab than you. Woo…I can actually translate. Swee: ok. That I agree. That’s what makes us a good couple. You are the listener and I am the speaker. And please no, I am not going to fly back on the day of my birthday. I am so going to spend my sweet 18 here – see snow: the white Christmas.
Lessons were as boring as ever. Nothing interesting but I guess kux want to take this opportunity to talk about her “oh-so-cute” Turkish guy seated right in front of us during the SHORT break. OH too bad, you can’t see enough of him (damn, should have taken Finnish language so I can see him in every Finnish class). HAHA.
Today we found out where the laundry room was but the bad thing is all the instructions are in Finnish so we are kind of back to square one.
Tze Yi found some berries on the way back to hostel. There were blueberries (I think), strawberry looking berry, raspberry and some red berries. She picked them in the forest.
We still do not have internet connection in the hostel so we have to use the school computers which are Finnish. We managed to post our earlier reflections but halfway the computer decided to hang so we couldn’t post the rest. So irritating.
We decided to go to the city centre on Saturday. We are going to see the瀑怖 (pu bu) -> WATERFALL. I think the “bu” is wrong but whatever, WHEE!
Swee Ting didn’t shower again. Eww…
26th Aug 08
We promise to abide by Espall's #1 rule
Time: 2217 Finland
Weather: 12 ˚C
Feeling: urgency to pee
We just had a really long talk with our Taiwanese flat mates whom kux referred them as culprits. But surprisingly when I opened the door just now, I saw Tze Yi sweeping the floor. Anyway, the talk had bonded us closer – I hope.
I want to embarrass kux here:
When conversing with them, we used CHIINESE which I think kux really sucked at. They asked about the price of the “squeeze-5-people” hotel we stayed in Helsinki which costs a total of €83 and she said €38 instead. LOL. And when they asked the date of our return flight, it was 一月十二号(12th Jan 09) but she said十二月一号 (1st Dec 08) ->kux: but I have a so much better vocab than you. Woo…I can actually translate. Swee: ok. That I agree. That’s what makes us a good couple. You are the listener and I am the speaker. And please no, I am not going to fly back on the day of my birthday. I am so going to spend my sweet 18 here – see snow: the white Christmas.
Lessons were as boring as ever. Nothing interesting but I guess kux want to take this opportunity to talk about her “oh-so-cute” Turkish guy seated right in front of us during the SHORT break. OH too bad, you can’t see enough of him (damn, should have taken Finnish language so I can see him in every Finnish class). HAHA.
Today we found out where the laundry room was but the bad thing is all the instructions are in Finnish so we are kind of back to square one.
Tze Yi found some berries on the way back to hostel. There were blueberries (I think), strawberry looking berry, raspberry and some red berries. She picked them in the forest.
We still do not have internet connection in the hostel so we have to use the school computers which are Finnish. We managed to post our earlier reflections but halfway the computer decided to hang so we couldn’t post the rest. So irritating.
We decided to go to the city centre on Saturday. We are going to see the瀑怖 (pu bu) -> WATERFALL. I think the “bu” is wrong but whatever, WHEE!
Swee Ting didn’t shower again. Eww…
26th Aug 08
We promise to abide by Espall's #1 rule
Location: Hostel, Imatra
Time: 2218 Finland
Weather: cold
Feeling: tired…zzz
Lessons: Visions of Future and Global Travel
Human Resource Management
Had our very first lesson today. Guess what. Every class we attended today only holds a total number of 8 students. Tiny class. The first lesson was alright~ we had a small (really small) group discussions, tours and breaks in between. It’s an exceptional case because this school is totally new, so the teacher decided to bring us around. The canteen was cool. They have a so-called mini overhead bridge on the level above the canteen. Despite the many coolness, it’s very sad to say that every lesson in our time table is 3 hours long, so it’s really hard to adapt. – Initial school shock
Second lesson was worse. I couldn’t stay awake and the class is SO small that I can’t sleep without the teacher noticing. The words are blurred and it changed from one sentence to two within minutes. My eyes won’t listen to my brain, which was really trying hard to stay awake. So to keep myself awake, I tried to answer whatever questions I could catch from the teacher, but it just so happen that whenever I tried to speak up, another student will be speaking at the same time. But it was a good thing that I am able to stay awake without having STM on what I want to say (Jermaine, I hope I had left my STM in Singapore), so when the teacher came back to me, I can answer.
And all along, I thought Kux was so hardworking because she was scribbling on the notes all the time. But she faced the same problem as me. She was like “Buang” .. I think we are too tired because it was only yesterday that we had arrive and please imagine the hardships we had gone through when dragging and carrying the mega-heavy and big luggage.
But amazingly, we are able to last till the very last minute of the lesson. After our lesson, we headed over to the international student office because WE HAVE NO INTERNET CONNECTION. And I’m still typing here. Swee Ting is just too hardworking. Forgoing her precious 8 hours of sleep. We have to buy internet. BUY?
Went grocery shopping. Long and tiring day. We spent a whole 2 hours in the Citymarket which is mega big. We shopped for everything we need – FOOD. Bought a lot of food. Chicken, cheese, bread, sauce.. it’s all food. Yayness to house brand and Euro Shopper if not we will be begging on the streets by next month. We found half a marinated chicken at €2.59 and frosted cornflakes that are twice the size of the one in Singapore. We now understand why Europeans twice the size of Singaporeans. Even the euros are two times our currency. Check out the size of one bag of chips. O.O And that is average sized. But there is nothing considered too big to the starving duo. A loaf of bread which is longer than what Singapore has, only took us 2 days to finish. Because we ate nothing but bread every meal!

Time: 2218 Finland
Weather: cold
Feeling: tired…zzz
Lessons: Visions of Future and Global Travel
Human Resource Management
Had our very first lesson today. Guess what. Every class we attended today only holds a total number of 8 students. Tiny class. The first lesson was alright~ we had a small (really small) group discussions, tours and breaks in between. It’s an exceptional case because this school is totally new, so the teacher decided to bring us around. The canteen was cool. They have a so-called mini overhead bridge on the level above the canteen. Despite the many coolness, it’s very sad to say that every lesson in our time table is 3 hours long, so it’s really hard to adapt. – Initial school shock
Second lesson was worse. I couldn’t stay awake and the class is SO small that I can’t sleep without the teacher noticing. The words are blurred and it changed from one sentence to two within minutes. My eyes won’t listen to my brain, which was really trying hard to stay awake. So to keep myself awake, I tried to answer whatever questions I could catch from the teacher, but it just so happen that whenever I tried to speak up, another student will be speaking at the same time. But it was a good thing that I am able to stay awake without having STM on what I want to say (Jermaine, I hope I had left my STM in Singapore), so when the teacher came back to me, I can answer.
And all along, I thought Kux was so hardworking because she was scribbling on the notes all the time. But she faced the same problem as me. She was like “Buang” .. I think we are too tired because it was only yesterday that we had arrive and please imagine the hardships we had gone through when dragging and carrying the mega-heavy and big luggage.
But amazingly, we are able to last till the very last minute of the lesson. After our lesson, we headed over to the international student office because WE HAVE NO INTERNET CONNECTION. And I’m still typing here. Swee Ting is just too hardworking. Forgoing her precious 8 hours of sleep. We have to buy internet. BUY?
Went grocery shopping. Long and tiring day. We spent a whole 2 hours in the Citymarket which is mega big. We shopped for everything we need – FOOD. Bought a lot of food. Chicken, cheese, bread, sauce.. it’s all food. Yayness to house brand and Euro Shopper if not we will be begging on the streets by next month. We found half a marinated chicken at €2.59 and frosted cornflakes that are twice the size of the one in Singapore. We now understand why Europeans twice the size of Singaporeans. Even the euros are two times our currency. Check out the size of one bag of chips. O.O And that is average sized. But there is nothing considered too big to the starving duo. A loaf of bread which is longer than what Singapore has, only took us 2 days to finish. Because we ate nothing but bread every meal!

Forgot to say about the food in school canteen. It’s buffet. No meals. You pick what you want and you pay €2.45. We both took a plateful and there was not much space left, so we decided to stop. But we realized our mistake - take another plate. We don’t feel full and stomach keep making lots of noise ever since the day we alighted. Stupid stomach juice.
The school has its own version of CMS here and it’s called Moodle. (If only it’s noodle)
Our Russian flat mates arrived today, Marina and Anastasia (my fave cartoon). We ate pizza bread for dinner today. We were supposed to buy the real pizza base but we forgot to bring plastic bags and we couldn’t carry so many items in our bags. Finland is very environmentally friendly and charge €0.61 for 1 plastic bag. So we played cheat and stole some plastic bags from the fruits area. For dinner, we baked our already hard bread with pasta sauce, sausage and mozzarella. There was supposed to be pineapples too but we so conveniently forgot that we do not have a can opener with us. Our pizza turned out to be quite murderous. It can cause a concussion if it landed on someone’s head. But it tasted quite good J
WHEE!!! Lessons start at 12 tomorrow and school is just 5 mins walk away from hostel. Check out our time table: (eh...blog cannot put table ah?)
Monday: 9-11 Visions of future and global travel
12-3 Human resource mgmt
Tuesday: 11-2 B2B mkting
Wednesday: 9-12 International business
12-3 Visions / B2B
3-6 Destination mgmt
Thursday: 11-2 International business
Friday: 8-10 Human resourec mgmt
10-1 Destination mgmt
Wednesday is busy busy. We even have lessons that clash -_-
Swee Ting decided not to shower.
P.S: A Russian guy sat next to me today at visions of future and global travel lesson. Teehee. He kept knocking his knee against mine because we had to do a group discussion but I forgive him because he looks quite nice.
We promise to abide by Espall's #1 rule
25 August 2008
The train we took to Imatra (that’s where our school is) is super COOL. There’s a super cool toilet (it’s circular), a café and 2 dining areas. There’s even a second level (which I discovered during the search for my precious toilet). Anyway, the other 3 alighted in Lappenrantra and us, in Imatra. Aishah, hold your tears and stop whining about not packing you in my luggage.
Fortunately, when we had alighted from the super LONG and HIGH CLASS train, someone came to pick us up. Though we have to walk an amount of distance, for once, our eyes lighted up, or maybe it’s just me. We saw a CAR. Yayness. Finally I don’t have to carry my luggage which I think my arms are almost damaged.
Here we are, in the hostel now. We took the liberty of shifting our furniture to a more “feng shui” spot. However it seems like our “feng shui” senses were not working very well. We shifted the furniture at least 5 times before deciding on our original plan.
Our Taiwan flat mates are so dirty! Before we came in, they were roasting chicken in the oven. After eating their chicken, all they did was wash the oil off the tray and left the leftover chicken skin in the grill. YUCK! And the toilet, it was wet and black. And they have been living here since Monday.
Culprits: Tze Yi and Ya Chen, 21 years old, from a University starting with S. (STM)
Let me give you a surprise. KUX CLEANED THE TOILET AND MOPPED THE FLOOR. And she was very pleased with herself too, because she said it was the first time cleaning without being told. So I have decided to award her with my nicely cooked Maggie. But sad to say, after I served her her meal, I served myself with a somewhat weird tasting Maggie because when I tore open the packet, WHOO! The Maggie was too excited that it jumped onto the hot stove and it burnt itself without being told, too.
(there are suppose to be pics here but the uploading part has some problems)
Swee Ting wishes to complain about the biasness of the beds. When we entered our room, we just dumped our stuff on the first bed we saw and had to go out to get our SIM cards and some basic necessities. When we got back, we realized that the bed I got is better in everyway compared to Swee Ting’s. My quilt looks nicer, orange striped, hers is white with red and yellow polka dots. My pillow seems normal, hers is deformed. My bed is 10 times cushionier than hers. My bed sheet is soft and smooth while hers is hard and rough. I have this extra blanket which she doesn’t.
The train we took to Imatra (that’s where our school is) is super COOL. There’s a super cool toilet (it’s circular), a café and 2 dining areas. There’s even a second level (which I discovered during the search for my precious toilet). Anyway, the other 3 alighted in Lappenrantra and us, in Imatra. Aishah, hold your tears and stop whining about not packing you in my luggage.
Fortunately, when we had alighted from the super LONG and HIGH CLASS train, someone came to pick us up. Though we have to walk an amount of distance, for once, our eyes lighted up, or maybe it’s just me. We saw a CAR. Yayness. Finally I don’t have to carry my luggage which I think my arms are almost damaged.
Here we are, in the hostel now. We took the liberty of shifting our furniture to a more “feng shui” spot. However it seems like our “feng shui” senses were not working very well. We shifted the furniture at least 5 times before deciding on our original plan.
Our Taiwan flat mates are so dirty! Before we came in, they were roasting chicken in the oven. After eating their chicken, all they did was wash the oil off the tray and left the leftover chicken skin in the grill. YUCK! And the toilet, it was wet and black. And they have been living here since Monday.
Culprits: Tze Yi and Ya Chen, 21 years old, from a University starting with S. (STM)
Let me give you a surprise. KUX CLEANED THE TOILET AND MOPPED THE FLOOR. And she was very pleased with herself too, because she said it was the first time cleaning without being told. So I have decided to award her with my nicely cooked Maggie. But sad to say, after I served her her meal, I served myself with a somewhat weird tasting Maggie because when I tore open the packet, WHOO! The Maggie was too excited that it jumped onto the hot stove and it burnt itself without being told, too.
(there are suppose to be pics here but the uploading part has some problems)
Swee Ting wishes to complain about the biasness of the beds. When we entered our room, we just dumped our stuff on the first bed we saw and had to go out to get our SIM cards and some basic necessities. When we got back, we realized that the bed I got is better in everyway compared to Swee Ting’s. My quilt looks nicer, orange striped, hers is white with red and yellow polka dots. My pillow seems normal, hers is deformed. My bed is 10 times cushionier than hers. My bed sheet is soft and smooth while hers is hard and rough. I have this extra blanket which she doesn’t.
We promise to abide by Espall's #1 rule
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Location: Hostel, Imatra
Time: 2244 Finland
Weather: cold
Room mates: Russians, Taiwanese
Feeling: Shagged. Swee Ting is dead…
The 3 other students who were with us decided to wake the whole inn up just because they realized that the sun was rising at 5.30a.m. Click click click. “SO BEAUTIFUL! THE SKY IS SO RED. THE SUN IS SO RED. SO BEAUTIFUL!” Click click click. Damn it. Shut up already. Half the world heard you, not to mention the 2 other babes stuck in the room with you.
After we checked out, we had to walk to the nearby bus stop with luggage. The path wasn’t even a proper walkway. It is like a path created by one million and one people tramping and dragging to and from the inn. Pilling our luggage along the rocky path was an ass. The luggage seemed to weigh 10 times the original. People of Finland are nice though. This man of mid fifties even helped Swee Ting carry her disintegrating bag to the bus stop. There was also another man who amazingly carried 2 of our trolleys off the bus for us. At the train station, the sky decided to pull a stunt. It rained. We had to pull our luggage through 100m of rain and the dumb train station didn’t have a ramp to help with the dragging of the trolleys. (Swee: At least all your luagge have something called WHEELS. I was typically carrying my luggage when you all were dragging ok …)
On the train, we were supposed to sit in the area where most people would sit but we decided to plant our butts in the private cabins. The train conductor didn’t even object when he checked our tickets. So throughout our 2hr plus trip to our universities, Swee Ting and another girl became the sleeping gods. Actually, the girl was the sleeping god and Swee Ting was the concubine. '

Dedicted to Hong Hui Qing. Please do not start singing the money song.
I shall end here for Kux. For she too, died on the bed though I died before her.
We promise to abide by Espall’s #1 rule
24th Aug 08
Time: 2244 Finland
Weather: cold
Room mates: Russians, Taiwanese
Feeling: Shagged. Swee Ting is dead…
The 3 other students who were with us decided to wake the whole inn up just because they realized that the sun was rising at 5.30a.m. Click click click. “SO BEAUTIFUL! THE SKY IS SO RED. THE SUN IS SO RED. SO BEAUTIFUL!” Click click click. Damn it. Shut up already. Half the world heard you, not to mention the 2 other babes stuck in the room with you.
After we checked out, we had to walk to the nearby bus stop with luggage. The path wasn’t even a proper walkway. It is like a path created by one million and one people tramping and dragging to and from the inn. Pilling our luggage along the rocky path was an ass. The luggage seemed to weigh 10 times the original. People of Finland are nice though. This man of mid fifties even helped Swee Ting carry her disintegrating bag to the bus stop. There was also another man who amazingly carried 2 of our trolleys off the bus for us. At the train station, the sky decided to pull a stunt. It rained. We had to pull our luggage through 100m of rain and the dumb train station didn’t have a ramp to help with the dragging of the trolleys. (Swee: At least all your luagge have something called WHEELS. I was typically carrying my luggage when you all were dragging ok …)
On the train, we were supposed to sit in the area where most people would sit but we decided to plant our butts in the private cabins. The train conductor didn’t even object when he checked our tickets. So throughout our 2hr plus trip to our universities, Swee Ting and another girl became the sleeping gods. Actually, the girl was the sleeping god and Swee Ting was the concubine. '

Dedicted to Hong Hui Qing. Please do not start singing the money song.
I shall end here for Kux. For she too, died on the bed though I died before her.
We promise to abide by Espall’s #1 rule
24th Aug 08
Location: Airport Hotel Bonus Inn
Time: 1942 Finland
Weather: cool, 20°C
Feeling: Nice…I just showered

We transferred to British Airways and the food was bleah. We had sandwiches for lunch, chicken and cheddar cheese. We then took a shuttle bus to the inn. We are actually committing a crime now. The room which we are currently in is meant for 1 person but we are squeezing 5.

We promise to abide by Espall’s #1 rule
23rd Aug 08
Time: 1942 Finland
Weather: cool, 20°C
Feeling: Nice…I just showered

We transferred to British Airways and the food was bleah. We had sandwiches for lunch, chicken and cheddar cheese. We then took a shuttle bus to the inn. We are actually committing a crime now. The room which we are currently in is meant for 1 person but we are squeezing 5.

We promise to abide by Espall’s #1 rule
23rd Aug 08
Location: Heathrow Airport, London
Time: 0929 London
Weather: Windy, Cool
Feeling: giddy, literally. My head is spinning.
Time: 0929 London
Weather: Windy, Cool
Feeling: giddy, literally. My head is spinning.
Checking in at Singapore Terminal 1, Qantas counter was such a drag. We had to wait for almost an hour to be told that we have been kicked off our original flight because of overbooking. Seems like the online agent we booked from sold too many tickets so we have to change our flights and transit area. Instead of stopping over at Frankfurt, we transited at Heathrow Airport, London, which is where we are now. There is nothing to do unless you have some pounds to spend which none of us have. So what are we doing? Rotting at Terminal 1’s waiting area and typing this essay -_-.
So what happened before this? We boarded Qantas at 0045 Singapore after being delayed for 1 hr which was a good thing since we were able to say our last goodbyes (I know this sounds like we died but it doesn’t matter) to our crazy darling classmates, the precious HS 0703 who decided to stay in the airport. We received quite a few gifts from the class which we had to bring along and they added on to our already dead weight luggage (ok, ok, thanks, happy?). But I think the highlight of the night was waterworks. Ok, I knew emotions will run high but I didn’t expect flooding. Hui Qing was like “cry me a river”. Hui Qing, please don’t flood Singapore during these 5 months. This is Aishah and Yen Ju :’(. I still can’t believe that KELVIN can actually cry. I was like o.O I would like to take this opportunity to award Kelvin with this award- A New History Record. Ok, even if he did cry before, I’m sure it’s not in front of the world. And to all the rest of you whom I didn’t catch, don’t think I don’t know especially Yao Wei. Shu Rong can use your tears to mop the floor. Jiun Chyi, your “zhen zi” pose reminds us of the Shutter show we watched in your house. We pray every night that when we dream of you (Kux: confirm nightmare), it won’t be a nightmare (Kux: double nightmare, Swee: especially with kux beside me every night).
Solely kux:
Ok, I want to complain about Qantas. I swear the seats are made for people like Aishah. The leg space really gave me a good yoga workout. AND have the people who designed the seat width ever thought of the kind people who board the plane? Have they ever thought of the thousand and one horizontally challenged people who board the plane everyday? AND why can’t the plane offer more movies and TV shows? The movies they had were like so 6 months ago. Like come on, Kung Fu Panda? Shutter-ang moh version (this one didn’t even scare us)? Get a move on lazy bums, is this all you got? Retired SIA who still want to work as stewardess can join Qantas. The stewardesses are quite old for stewardess, short and plum. AND the toilets. Faints. The sink was clogged the first time I went and there was spit out toothpaste swirling in the water. SICK! Somehow the toilet bowl is designed to splash your pee on your butt when you pee (for females) (Swee: It’s because you either got too-big a butt or you don’t know how to pee. Kux: is your butt no feeling, sit for too long. Even Parvin agrees.) The toilet bowl also cannot flush waste that is stuck around the bowl except for the centre part where your shit and pee is supposed to go. But sometimes people can’t aim at the centre so it gets stuck everywhere on the bowl except the centre. So the soggy paper will have to greet every user until someone clears it. The perfect thing about Qantas is the temperature. At least they have the decency to set the temperature to something other than Arctic Frost.
And Swee Ting says:
Who ask YOU to be SO LONG? No? Others want to be longer but sadly they can’t grow. Right Kelvin & Aishah? (Kux: that’s their business, go play more tennis.) Can’t stand Kux. Complaining about anything and everything under the sun. Old movies? (Kux: eh…they even had Sound of Music.) Someone seated beside me laughed so loud when watching Kung Fu Panda that she woke me up from my deprived 8 hours sleep -> so ugly, no amount of beauty sleep can help YOU. (Kux: I was watching House. Funny what.) And when we watch Shutter together, someone says “OH. Coming out already coming out already.”
But I consider myself to be luckier than the others. I’m neither too long nor too fat (Huiqing, I know what you are thinking). And the toilet I enter happens to be in a somewhat “perfect” condition as compared to what Kux experienced. I shall not mention the details because I am not as disgusting as her.
Change subject. I can’t wait to see SNOW. Eugene! S-N-O-W. And OH. Do you know the temperature in London is totally 24 hours air-con? London. Totally cool. They have 5 terminals. So huge. Good thing sweeting didn’t get lost, so LONG LONG, you have to award me with 5 more marks =)
I get what you mean now: The-extended-daylight. When you both went to Vienna, you experienced long hours of daylight. It’s 5 hours difference between Singapore and London time. It’s only 7.30am here when in Singapore, it’s like 2pm. It’s as if wherever you go, it’s always daytime. And we were served Breakfast. Again, good thing Swee Ting’s stomach didn’t vibrate too much. (By the way, Josephine, at least the plane served us breakfast :)
And if you think people in Singapore have no class, people in other countries have none too. As I am writing this thesis, I can statistically prove that at least 20% of the people around me are sleeping. Not sit sleeping but lie sleeping. There are people spread out over minimum 3 chairs sleeping.

Let me tell you story –
I was enjoying the wonderful atmosphere of the airport which comprises of visual, aural, tactile and olfactory. OLFACTORY! There was this guy beside Swee Ting airing his FEET! I discreetly tried to take a picture using Swee Ting as a BEAUTIFUL model (I’m glad you realize how beautiful I am) but he put his feet down before I could do anything. (Because you are a slow pok).
More updates will be available tomorrow night as we have to board our next flight. Finally, my butt super flat already. Er, I don’t think I had a butt to begin with. (Swee: I can vouch for that)
So, Finland, HERE WE COME!
We promise to abide by Espall’s #1 rule
23rd Aug 08
This blog shifts constantly between the two of us so read properly- word for word- to guess who is talking. Headings are misleading. Swee Ting may type in a 2nd person context from time to time. Pictures placed in the blog are the highlights. We will find another place to place the rest of the pictures so as not to jam the page.
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